Writing Your Content

Front Matter and Body

Nuxtent processes markdown files in two main parts: the data contained in the file’s front-matter and all the other data contained after it. The front-matter data will be destructured, while the body of the file will be appropriately available under the body property.

The front matter must follow three rules:

  1. It must take the form of valid yaml
  2. It must be the first thing in the file
  3. It must contained between a set of triple-dashed lines.

Here is a basic example:

title: Nuxtent

...is awesome!

Will result in the following data:

  title: 'Nuxtent',
  body: '<p>...is awesome!</p>'

Reserved attributes

Since the markdown file’s front-matter properties are destructured with all other top level properties, you have to be careful not to use the following reserved properties:

Here is a list of reserved attributes:

  • meta, contains meta information about the file, such as the fileName and section.
  • date, contains the file’s date if it is a post, otherwise it defaults to the date the file was last updated.
  • path, contains the file’s entire url path, including any nested routes.
  • permalink, contains the file’s path paramters.
  • body, contains the content below the front-matter.
  • anchors, contains the page’s heading that was converted to link anchors for page navigation.

Async Components

Nuxtent allows you to use Vue Component inside your markdown files.

In order to do this, you must prefix the file name with .comp.md so that the file can be detected by the appropriate loader.

Usage Syntax: @[pathToComponent](componentProps)

As you can tell, the syntax is similar to links, except it is prefixed by an at sign. This which helps Nuxtent detect a component so that it can dynamically import it.

Note: all imports are relative to ~components directory

For example, this markdown component:

@[example/project](name="Hello World")

Is converted to:

<ExampleProject name="Hello World" />

And imported and registered as:

import ExampleProject from '~components/project.vue'
export default {
  components: {

Now it’s simple to spice up your content with demos and other sorts of components.

Note: Markdown components require additional processing and should only be used when necessary in order to keep build and load times to a minimum.